How to help keep your child’s eyes healthy

15 August 2023

Your child’s ocular health is important. That’s why detecting a problem early can make all the difference and even prevent complications when they’re an adult. Opto-Réseau is sharing this practical guide to help you detect any signs of problems.

Early warning signs

If your child experience several of these signs, book an appointment with an eyecare professional:

  • Squints to see or has trouble seeing the chalkboard
  • Regularly has headaches
  • Brings their reading material up close to their eyes
  • Quickly tires of reading, confuses some letters, rereads the same sentence or paragraph over and over again, runs their finger under the words as they read
  • Complains of double vision or often closes one eye
  • Has a lazy eye
  • Blinks excessively
  • Regularly tilts their head when looking at objects
  • Has red eyes that water, itch or burn
  • Experiences difficulty learning or has developmental delays

Regular eye exams

The best way to protect your child’s vision is to book regular eye exams. Even if they’re not showing any specific symptom or problem, a child between the ages of 5 and 17 should still get an annual eye exam.

Myopia control

Myopia is a common disorder that is becoming more widespread in children. Once your eyecare professional diagnoses your child with myopia, they’ll be able to recommend the right treatment for them. For instance, if your child needs prescription glasses, Myocare by Zeiss, Stellest by Essilor or Miyosmart by Hoya can help them enjoy a crisp vision. Depending on your child’s lifestyle and needs, your eyecare expert might also recommend contact lenses such as MiSight 1 day by CooperVision which are a practical and comfortable solution.

Managing screen time

Kids exposed to screens (tablets, computers, TVs) for long periods of time may experience eye strain. Make sure your child isn’t too close to the screen and that the ambient lighting is optimal. You could also ask them to take regular breaks to focus on something in the distance, which is beneficial for their eyesight.

For other tips, read our article “4 tips for parents of children with myopia

To ensure your child benefits from optimal vision, book an appointment with an eyecare professional in one of our clinics.


To find the best pair of prescription glasses or sunglasses for your needs, book an appointment at your Opto-Réseau clinic. Our eyecare professionals will be more than happy to help you pick the frames and lenses that are perfect for you!