Demystifying Presbyopia in 5 Questions

14 June 2024

1. What are the symptoms of presbyopia?

Common symptoms of presbyopia include difficulty reading up close, seeing objects clearly at close distances, visual fatigue, and sometimes headaches.

2. What is the difference between presbyopia and hyperopia?

While the symptoms of presbyopia and hyperopia are similar, their cause is different. Hyperopia, or farsightedness, is a refractive error that occurs due to the shape of the cornea. On the other hand, presbyopia occurs with aging of the eye, when the lens thickens, loses elasticity, and its ability to focus diminishes.

3. At what age does presbyopia appear?

Presbyopia typically begins to manifest in patients around the age of 40. Between 40 and 65 years old, presbyopia can progress rapidly and then stabilize.*

4. Can contact lenses correct presbyopia?

Absolutely. To correct presbyopia, your Opto-Réseau eye care professional will suggest multifocal contact lenses.

Multifocal contact lenses, such as the Acuvue® Oasys Max 1-Day Multifocal contact lenses, are specifically designed products to correct presbyopia. They provide different zones of correction for near, intermediate, and distance vision.

Multifocal contact lenses allow clear vision at multiple distances, and unlike glasses with progressive lenses or bifocal lenses (two vision zones), they do not require you to look through a specific part of the lenses.

Many patients are delighted to learn that there are different options of contact lenses to correct presbyopia. Among the Acuvue® products, not only are there 1-day lenses, but also biweekly disposable lenses like the Acuvue® Oasys 2-week multifocal lenses.

Book an appointment

Whether it's to ensure comfortable vision during sports activities, work, or outings, multifocal contact lenses provide clear vision at all distances and absolute freedom of movement. To find the best option for your specific needs, consult the team at your Opto-Réseau clinic.

5. Can presbyopia be avoided or prevented?

There is no way to avoid or prevent presbyopia. It is part of the natural aging process of the eye. However, various measures can help alleviate symptoms and maintain healthy vision even with age.

Among these measures, regular eye exams every year or every two years to detect any changes in your vision are important. Around the age of 45, vision tends to change frequently. This is the age when presbyopia appears in the majority of patients, but it is also the period when some eye diseases may occur. That's why it's important to see your eye doctor regularly.

Some patients wrongly believe it is better to wait until presbyopia symptoms worsen before consulting. By scheduling an appointment at the first signs, you reduce the risks of more severe or frequent visual discomforts such as visual fatigue and headaches.

Other measures not to be overlooked include wearing your multifocal corneal lenses or glasses. You can also help your eyes by adjusting lighting when using your close-up vision for work or reading.

For more answers

For even more information about presbyopia or to find the best solution to correct it according to your lifestyle and needs, book an appointment at the clinic!

*Association des Optométristes du Québec :


To find the best pair of prescription glasses or sunglasses for your needs, book an appointment at your Opto-Réseau clinic. Our eyecare professionals will be more than happy to help you pick the frames and lenses that are perfect for you!