Eight Things (You Won’t Have to Wonder About Anymore) About Contact Lenses

12 January 2021
So, you’re thinking of switching to contact lenses, but you’ve got a few questions or concerns about it all. This article will fill in the gaps so you can make an informed decision. We’ll also look at a few misconceptions along the way

Test your knowledge about contact lenses!

But first, before we delve deeper into the world of contact lenses, let’s find out what you already know about them. Answer the questions below, then check the answers and explanations in the article after each one. Good luck and happy reading!


1-True or false: contact lenses are uncomfortable.

Answer: false. People who are new to contact lenses often expect a certain degree of discomfort. But the fact is, the variety of contact lenses currently available means just about anyone can find the right lenses for their needs and particular condition. Expect a brief break-in period. Certain types of contacts however are engineered to smooth out the break-in period and optimize your comfort and hydration. You could for instance go with single-use contact lenses (1 day) like PRECISION1® for the possibility of testing them out gradually. Depending on your plans for the day, you can always wear your glasses instead. But if you need the extra freedom—say for sports, square dancing, or what have you—you’re sure to prefer your one-day contacts. And of course, since you have new lenses every day, you’re sure to get the very best hydration and enhanced comfort.

2- True or false: contact lenses can get lost behind your eyeball.

Answer: False. Relax—you’ll never lose a contact lens behind your eyeball. That’s because the membrane covering the white of your eye only goes back as far as your eyelid, then folds over to join the lining of your eyelid.

3- True or false : you can maintain your contact lenses with tap water.

Answer: False. We strongly recommend against using any liquid other than contact lens solution when caring for your contact lenses. Not only is tap water not up to the job, it will damage your lenses and can put the health of your eyes at risk and lead to eye infections or other problems. How? Tap water, unlike contact lens solutions, contains minerals and microorganisms. Generally they’re not dangerous, but some can pose more of a risk if they get into your contacts or carrying case. If maintenance issues are holding you back from a contact lens trial, the answer is to opt for single-use contact lenses like PRECISION1.® Since you’re throwing your lenses out at the end of the day anyway, there’s no maintenance to worry about.

4- True or false: some types of contact lenses can be worn for long periods of time (even when you’re sleeping).

Answer: true. They’re not for everyone and require more regular followup with your eye care professional, but extended-wear contact lenses can be left on for days and days in a row without a break (including nights). Daily-wear contacts, which you take out at night, are more popular because, as a rule, the shorter the replacement period the higher the water content or the thinner the lens is in the centre. And that generally means they’re more comfortable. Daily-wear contacts can be one-day lenses, like PRECISION1® that you throw away at the end of the day, or they can be biweekly or monthly lenses that you take out, clean, and store overnight every night for two weeks or a month.

5- True or false: a contact lens can melt or get stuck to your eye.

Answer: false. Never fear, neither summer heat, nor campfire blaze, or cooking over the barbecue will get the better of your contact lenses. Contact lenses are designed to handle the heat, just like your eyes and the rest of your body. Short of throwing them right into the fire, they’ll never melt, especially not while you have them on. As for getting stuck, it might happen if your lens dries out. If for example, you have dry eye syndrome or you fall asleep without removing them. You can unstick them using drops prescribed by your eye care professional or with an all-purpose saline solution for contact lenses. Just close your eyes and massage your upper eyelid until you feel your contact lens move.

6- True or false: children can wear contact lenses.

Answer: True. There’s no set age for wearing contact lenses. Since every child or pre-teen is unique, the age to start will vary depending on the child’s needs and maturity level. Generally, kids are ready to try contact lenses for the first time around age 13. Unless they’re going with one-day lenses like PRECISION1,® caring for their contact lenses can often be an issue for young people, so it’s important to teach them about maintaining their contacts if they aren’t disposable ones. That’s why single-use one-day lenses are a great option for young people, just as they are for anyone who’s new to contact lenses. The maintenance-free side here is a real benefit that gives parents something they care about—peace of mind.

7- True or false: you can wear contact lenses if you have dry eyes.

Answer: true. As technology continues to advance and improve the contact lens, it’s generally possible to wear contact lenses even if you have dry eyes. To find out if you’re a good candidate for contact lenses even if you suffer from dry eyes, ask your eye care professional. They can show you around the products and options available based on your specific situation.

8- True or false: contact lenses are reversible.

Answer: False. There really is a right side and a wrong side when it’s time to put in your contact lenses. To learn how to put your contact lenses in right-side up and take them out again, watch the short PRECISION1® video below.

Questions about wearing, handling, or caring for contact lenses? Interested in trying contact lenses and finding what’s best for you? Make an appointment with your eye care professional by getting touch with your Opto-Réseau clinic.
  • Contact lenses
  • Multifocal Contact lenses


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