Embracing Change with Marie-Claude Barrette

15 August 2024


Switching to progressive lenses can be a challenge for many people. Marie-Claude, like others, has recently joined the group of presbyopes, which often requires a period of adjustment.

During her visit to the Opto-Réseau clinic, our team took the time to understand her needs in order to provide recommendations perfectly suited to her lifestyle. Marie-Claude ultimately chose the Varilux XR progressive lenses, which incorporate the very latest technology in progressive lenses. With precise measurements and artificial intelligence technology, these lenses offer ultra-fine personalization for optimal comfort.

She also opted to integrate Transitions® technology into her new glasses. The Amber color of the ultra-responsive Gen S™ technology enhances the style of her frame while ensuring optimal comfort, regardless of the lighting conditions.

By choosing high-end, ultra-personalized progressive lenses, Marie-Claude enjoys a smooth transition thanks to lenses designed with her facial shape and movements in mind. Taking advantage of this adjustment period has also been an opportunity to learn more about Marie-Claude herself. As a successful host and producer, it’s no surprise that she turned out to be a patient who is attentive and warm.

For a glimpse into our discussion, keep reading.

Marie-Claude, what has been the most significant transition in your life?

There have been several over time. Becoming a mother was by far the most important. My perspective on life changed the moment I held my daughter Angela in my arms. I wanted to be there for her. There was me, the couple, and at that moment, the concept of family became what I valued most. I discovered myself through motherhood. This role gave me an even stronger sense of self-confidence.

When you look back, is there anything you would do differently?

I would have studied psychology rather than economics. I followed the advice of a career counselor, but it was a mistake; I should have trusted my instincts.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I don’t know, I don’t project myself. If I had done so in the past, I would have missed out on wonderful opportunities that life has presented me. So many things happen throughout a lifetime that I have learned to navigate by sight. Honestly, I would find it demotivating to know where I am going because I enjoy too much the detours that lead me to unexpected encounters and new perspectives.

What fascinates you the most about artificial intelligence?

It’s a new world to discover. I am very curious by nature. I remember the advent of the Internet; it was a revolution. AI is another revolution. For now, AI saves me time. I use it as a work tool and enjoy creating digital artworks. What fascinates me is that a human invention can have both positive and negative aspects. I am both excited and concerned about it.

Want to learn more about Marie-Claude and her projects? We invite you to check out her popular podcast Ouvre ton jeu, available on various platforms.


To find the best pair of prescription glasses or sunglasses for your needs, book an appointment at your Opto-Réseau clinic. Our eyecare professionals will be more than happy to help you pick the frames and lenses that are perfect for you!