Harmonizing your makeup with the colour of your eyes

12 June 2017

We fashionably love to coordinate our clothes. Applying makeup is also a question of harmonization, but with the colour of our eyes. Whether you have blue, green, brown or dark eyes, their colour will determine your choice of eyeshadow and eyeliner, and even your lipstick.

3 basic rules for striking eye makeup

When you choose your makeup products, you instinctively follow basic rules. Or not, in which case it will make you say “what was I thinking that day” when you see to your dismay a picture of yourself wearing not-so-great eye makeup! So here are some rules to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid tone-on-tone. One thing’s for sure; contrasting eyeshadow colours will brighten your eyes and make them stand out, which brings us to the next tip.
  2. Revisit your complementary colours (really true to their name!). Remember, it’s that chromatic wheel that we studied in school. The complementary colours are those opposite each other on the wheel. They give the greatest contrasting effect since they enhance each other. Later in this article, we will tell you which of those colours harmonize the best with your eyes.
  3. Harmonize your eyeshadow with your skin tone. Yes, you must take your skin tone into consideration when choosing eyeshadow shades. Pastel shades harmonize well with clear skin tone while bolder ones are best for dark skin.

Which colours harmonize best with your eyes?

Blue eyes: Orange is the best colour to enhance the blue of your eyes. In that same shade scheme, warm colours such as coppers, peachy pink, beige hues, etc., are great choices.

Green eyes: Plum is your colour! To make an impression, choose purple hues, mauve, and burgundy.

Brown and dark eyes: You’re lucky, all shades suit you perfectly. One exception though: avoid pastel colours. Since the goal is to brighten your eyes, don’t hesitate to wear shimmer and metallic shades.

Don’t forget that, in addition to eyeshadow, you can put on mascara and use eyeliner. Both come in various shades and will intensify and brighten your eyes.

Keep an eye on the latest trends in makeup!

This year, you can be more daring than ever with the new trendy eyeshadow shades – bright and vibrant like we love them!
Intense Red

Who would have dared before? But in 2017, yes we can! Red eyeshadow is as flattering as lipstick. It enhances eyes whatever their colour.

Rouge Chanel and Tarte palette

Greenery Shade Eyeshadow

It’s everywhere, in every form and shape, in textile design and home decor. But have you ever tried it as eyeshadow? Well, Greenery is THE colour of the year. You can wear it if you have brown eyes, dark eyes or blue eyes. But it’s a complete no-no if you have green eyes (remember rule number one?).

Pantone and Clinique chubby stick

Blue Lagoon

You thought it went out of style forever after its age of glory in the 80s? Well, no! Blue Lagoon makes a big comeback to create seductive eye makeup. Once again, we say no to tone-on-tone, and we avoid it if we have blue eyes.

Victoria's Secret SS2017 and Sephora eyeshadow
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  • Eye color
  • Makeup


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